From Coma to Comma – The BIG PAUSE

From Coma to Comma – The BIG PAUSE

My hubby had just come home from a business trip and we were enjoying a quiet evening watching TV, a fascinating show on the Smithsonian channel.  We were chatting and laughing together – overall, a pretty normal night.

Breathe, swallow, blink … in that micro-moment my perspective of our lives change.

Will we ever visit Sedona, tour the Italian coast, or enjoy our gaggle of grand-children dreamed of and yet to be born?

There’s no droopy eye, frozen face symptomatic of a stroke, his eyes sometimes follow, sometimes close but most frightening, he cannot speak. His hands twitch and flail but he is immobile. Sweat beads and trickles down his face pooling in the swirls of hair on his chest and I stare at it, touch it because it makes no sense and I don’t know what to do.

My world is a collision of extremes; I’m panicked and frozen, but in action too. It seems I’m moving, talking, caressing his arms, face, chest, until the ambulance arrives. I feared my husband had a stroke. Welcome to my 15 minutes of hell that scorch my heart.

They pump sugar into his body and he slowly rises from his Diabetic coma.

Thank heavens we avoided a stroke, or worse, the final stroke – death.

Nausea. Fear. Uncertainty. Gratitude. My emotions today, the day after, are turbulent. The trees seem more vibrant, their green almost painful to my eyes, my morning coffee is stronger and my senses are hyper almost as though they scream for more, or less, I’m not sure.

And I pause and think of the comma … I feel the comma will become very significant now — comma for pause, comma for breath, comma for reflection, comma for a new perspective of life.

Yes, and now what’s possible?

Yes, and now what’s important?

Yes, and now …

I share what I’ve learned about the reality and symptoms of a Diabetic in crisis and hope this arms us well because life is too sweet to end too soon.

The highs & lows of sugar and Diabetes:

It’s an equal opportunity disease because it doesn’t discriminate. It affects young, old and those in between, touching all genders and races as well.

Irreversible brain damage or death is possible if the coma is not treated.

An overabundance of sugar (Hyperglycemia) is as dangerous and low levels (Hypoglycemia) of sugar and the Mayo Clinic lists these signs you must be aware of for high blood sugar symptoms:

  • Increased thirst
  • Frequent urination
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Shortness of breath
  • Stomach pain
  • Fruity breath odor
  • A very dry mouth
  • A rapid heartbeat
And here’s the symptoms for low blood sugar:
  • Shakiness or nervousness
  • Anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Sweating
  • Hunger
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness or light-headedness
  • Difficulty speaking
  • Confusion

The full article and more helpful information can be found here.

Can you tell which my husband suffered from? Yes, it was low blood sugar.

What’s next? For us, it’s being more diligent and ensuring hubby is wearing his Medical bracelet in case he’s away or I’m not around.

What’s next for you?

If you live with or love one who has Diabetes, know the symptoms and get emergency help – fast!

One-third of the population is Diabetic and doesn’t know it, yet it’s a controllable disease when caught early. In case you’re peeing more, eating more and drinking more, here’s a link to the Diabetes Library’s article on the early symptoms of type 2 Diabetes .

Final words from my hubby

“I feel so stupid! I risked my life and the happiness of my wife and family! … It could ‘a been my BIG PAUSE!”

Take good care of yourself and those you love. Christine

An excerpt from Life Notes: Poignant moments, shaggy-dog stories and celebrations from my world to yours

What’s Your Why?

What’s Your Why?

Another special Why …

We peek under the covers and look at Why my clients do what they do.

Here’s my Why:

My new hubby Bob Culbertson and our beautiful relationship, and here’s a picture of my other top Why:  My daughter Michelle Swartzentruber, her hubby Derek, and my new baby grandson Kacey.

YES! I’m a Grand-ma and LOVING it!

My business is robust allowing me to flexibly blend family, friends, and work-life.

Dr. Seuss says it well,

So be sure when you step,

Step with care and great tact.

And remember that life’s A Great Balancing Act.

And will you succeed

Yes! You will, indeed!

Kid, you’ll move mountains.

What’s your WHY?

If you’re not sure, not to worry, you’re not alone — it’s tough to dig deep into what you value.

Drop me a note as I might have a tip or two to get you started. 

Make someone’s day and pay it forward. Maybe they too are curious to be more.

Cheers, Coach Christine


Overcoming Obstacles: Learnings from Author, Activist and Warrior Helen Keller

Overcoming Obstacles: Learnings from Author, Activist and Warrior Helen Keller

Helen Keller overcame obstacles most of us are fortunate to never encounter in our lifetime.

Did you know she faced numerous public challenges like being accused as a fraud and of plagiarism?


A journey of frustration, study, learning and eventually success 25 years later she was able to speak so others could clearly understand her messages to audiences large and small.


Many were inspired by Helen’s tenacity and she was fortunate to be introduced to notables like Mark Twain, Alexander Graham Bell and a senior oil company executive who were influential in furthering her education and defending her during public outcries.


The New Yorker published a fascinating article about Helen’s life noting that,

“She stands for enigma; there lurks in her still the angry child who demanded to be understood yet could not be deciphered. She refutes those who cannot perceive, or do not care to value, what is hidden from sensation: collective memory, heritage, literature.”

Upon her death, at the age of 87, she was an author, lecturer and known as an activist of human rights, an advocate of women’s causes and co-founder of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

For those days when you’re struggling, recall Helen’s admirable personal strength and fortitude.


Now it’s your turn …


What do you draw upon to boost yourself when you’ve landed in a challenge or a seemingly insurmountable obstacle?


What’s your go-to, favourite way to replenish yourself?


I’d love to hear your thoughts and invite you to leave your comments below and share this article with those who also might enjoy and be stimulated by Helen’s admirable mojo.


Thanks for stopping by, reading and commenting today.


Warmly, Coach Christine J. Culbertson



When Is The Best Time?

When Is The Best Time?

Want more? More sales, more business, a BIGGER life?

The risk of inaction is monumental, it’s a sunk cost never to be recovered and in truth, this stuck-ness may have caused you to lose out on revenue sitting right under your nose!


Trial and error and not having a clear plan causes indecision and inaction which in turn feeds that niggling voice of self-doubt.


Here’s how I help my clients (and how I can help you):

  • sell more

  • keep more money

  • build your confidence and skills

  • action plans for focus and traction (getting you unstuck)

  • master time and people with proven strategies and tools

  • data, measures and accountability keeping you on track

So you can have the life at home and work that you want and deserve!


YES! There is a solution and together we’ll tailor it to suit your needs. (just like a new pair of shoes, it’ll be the best fit for you)


IMAGINE how you’ll feel when you apply new business and sales skills, so you can ask for the business with more confidence.


IMAGINE how you’ll feel when the pressure’s off, when you use new communication tools so people really hear you, what you want, what you need and the value you have.


IMAGINE relaxing and enjoying more of life because you have more focus, new expertise to write more business and you’ll know the results you want and need and most importantly, how to get them.


Recently one of my clients had 69% return on his coaching investment = that’s a return of each $ invested plus an additional 69₵ for each original dollar = profitability smartly captured by the company.


Are you a high performer who will work hard to achieve your goals? I work exclusively with high performing clients who want more, who are ready to take responsibility and build immense success.

If this sounds like you then …


Meet me, Coach Christine for your risk-free session:

If you are a corporation or big business let’s have a strat-chat.
If you are an entrepreneur or small business we’ll have a jump-start session.
If you are a solo-preneur schedule coffee with Christine.
If you are ready for more and ready to get started, you can reach me in confidence by email to: or text me at 647 274 0033.
New Year Resolutions – STOP — PUT THE BRAKES ON!

New Year Resolutions – STOP — PUT THE BRAKES ON!

Ever wonder why your resolutions fail?

Do you feel like you have to make resolutions?

It’s a new year … everybody else is … are you conforming to the social pressures of “should-ing”?


I never make them and here are a few of my top tips to help you succeed in the New Year.

What do you do?  Share your secrets to success in the comments below.