Another special Why …

We peek under the covers and look at Why my clients do what they do.

Here’s my Why:

My new hubby Bob Culbertson and our beautiful relationship, and here’s a picture of my other top Why:  My daughter Michelle Swartzentruber, her hubby Derek, and my new baby grandson Kacey.

YES! I’m a Grand-ma and LOVING it!

My business is robust allowing me to flexibly blend family, friends, and work-life.

Dr. Seuss says it well,

So be sure when you step,

Step with care and great tact.

And remember that life’s A Great Balancing Act.

And will you succeed

Yes! You will, indeed!

Kid, you’ll move mountains.

What’s your WHY?

If you’re not sure, not to worry, you’re not alone — it’s tough to dig deep into what you value.

Drop me a note as I might have a tip or two to get you started. 

Make someone’s day and pay it forward. Maybe they too are curious to be more.

Cheers, Coach Christine