Work with me

more opportunities.  more clients.  more sales.



Ways to work with Coach Christine.

Coaching & Consulting (Business & Personal)

Training & Development – Click here for more information

Keynote Speaking – Click here for Speaker information

Strategy Sessions

Every day is purposeful.


The Cornerstone of Coach Christine’s programs.

  • ROI:  measuring your investment of time and money in your program;
  • Goal-setting:  creating realistic, measurable strategies and goals;
  • Action plan:  establishing your coaching plan and implementing;
  • Accountability:  regular support to overcome obstacles, stay on track to meet objectives.

With ongoing collection and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data, you’ll know the impact your coaching program is having on your business.





You may qualify for the Canada Ontario Job Grant (COJG) Program.  Click below to learn more.


Measuring your investment of time and money.

Christine coaches with ROI (Return on Investment) top-of-mind. Many companies who leverage coaching, produce significant results transforming people, culture, improving skills and competencies while impacting the bottom line.

Her time with clients quickly generates powerful and long-lasting results in personal and business development, communication, sales and sales leadership and she very much enjoys working with individuals, groups, as well as teams.

Gentle in her approach, she’s also dynamic, passionate and rigorous, and Christine motivates clients to implement change using bold and powerful concepts like emotional intelligence and neuro-science.

A leading professional with proven results..

In addition to earning the distinction of being certified and accredited as a professional coach, Chrstine boldly seeks out new strategies and tools to benefit her clients.  She recently studied with the pioneer of ROI coaching, Lisa Edwards.  The results are clients are now seeing a whopping 169% return on their investment.  Here’s an example:  a  client’s $4K investment yielded $4,690 which means that not only was the investment returned, but a profit of .69 cents on the dollar was received.

A customized experience.

Whether it’s one on one or group coaching for C-Suite Executives, I offer highly customized coaching packages that go straight to your greatest need to achieve the success you desire:  time management, focus, confidence in leadership and sales, and building out the best you in YOU that there is.  Fill out the contact form to enquire.  Now is the time.  What are you waiting for?

Inspiring the leader within.

Christine teaches her clients the art of listening and communication so they are speaking and acting with clarity and confidence, becoming a positive centre of influence whom others will follow, from colleagues to peers, to prospect and client’s alike.

You no longer have to do it alone.

Whether you’re a leader in an organization, a small business owner or a professional, Christine’s coaching can deliver powerful results.

Bringing two very distinct and integral skill sets together, coaching with ROI and consulting, Christine offers her clients the best of both worlds so there is no need to hire a personal coach and a business consultant.

Christine works with her clients from the “inside-out” [personal coaching] and leverages her extensive business toolkit creating quick and long-lasting results impacting the bottom line.

She walks her talk, is a high-spirited, no-nonsense, get-it-done successful business woman with a strong sense of her personal power.

The bottom line?  Clients become more resilient, more confident, and are stronger communicators.  They have increased focus and richer, more rewarding relationships both at work and home.

An award-winning businesswoman, leader, and entrepreneur, Christine’s consulting toolkit includes vital business areas like Communication, Time and Priority Management, and Sales and Business Development.

“I had tremendous, immediate impact from the Business Mastermind program!  My productivity, focus on business goals and personal productivity… have all increased greatly and I have less stress. I learned how valuable team-work is.  And that being ‘accountable’ helps me to get things done!  I also learned the value of working with an amazing coach.” – Ann Burns

Breakthrough Session

Start here – Risk Free

45 minutes – $145 (plus HST)

100% satisfaction guaranteed or your fee cheerfully refunded.

We’ll work together for 45 minutes working on the one topic of your choice and you will have the breakthrough you desire. At the end of our 45 minutes we’ll talk about future coaching options and if you wish to continue working together, your Breakthrough Session fee will be applied as a credit towards your new coaching package fee.

Contact Me

I invite you to get in touch today and let's see how I can help you get MORE sales in your business.

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