Training and Development


Training with Coach Christine

Working with hundreds of professionals across Canada, Coach Christine has designed and delivered many training programs for groups and teams on key business topics such as “Discovery the Buy Button“, “Leadership and Buying“, and “Time and Resource Management.”  To see the full list of her most popular training topics, and the summary of each, please click the tabs below.

coach Christine's Training Topics
A variety of formats are available and Coach Christine work with you to customize your training program:

  • in person;
  • through video;
  • pre-recorded.

Please get in touch with Coach Christine to book your training day.

Sample popular training topics

Beliefs, perspective, and habits of top performers.
Secrets of the Mindset
Learn how and why people buy, using our signature MAP tools© to overcome obstacles.
Discover The Buy Button
Apply neuroscience techniques and emotional intelligence research using our sure-fire Buying Roadmap© and close more business.
Prospecting Like a Pro
Filling the gap with strategis, techniques, and action plans to use today.
3 Steps for boosting your bottom line
Nuts and bolts of our sales program uses our 3P© Sales Process: Prospect, Present, and Post-Close to ensure opportunities aren’t missed.
Build a laser-like marketing plan
Identify target market, ideal client, client profile, market position, and know when and how to penetrate.
Leadership and buying
5 must-know and must-follow steps for understanding the buyer and leading the buying process.
sales solutions & strategies
10-step sales process that most fail to leverage.
time and resource management
Do it, dump it or delegate it.  Get focus, assess, prioritize, and move into productive action.


Percentage of people who say hiring a Coach is worth every dollar spent!

Untapped ROI & Golfing for business
Top 10 tips for creating most wanted ROI on the golf course.
networking now
Proven strategies and action plans for building more business.
communicating with impact
Complex communication skills easily learned.  Apply interpersonal skills in today’s workplace with leaders, colleagues, suppliers, and clients.
tame your terror
Beyond the Powerpoint – presentation skills for top professionals.
Learn how to strike balance and manage priorities at work and home.  Topics in this presentation include managing stress

Hire Coach Christine to learn how your business can achieve more results, faster, and with less stress. Success is just a click away.

Contact Me

I invite you to get in touch today and let's see how I can help you get MORE sales in your business.

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