Hire Coach Christine to speak at your next event.
She’s a keynote speaker with powerful programs.
Coach Christine’s talks and programs are designed with ROI top-of-mind. Many companies who leverage her services produce significant results transforming culture, improving skills and competencies while impacting the bottom line.
She is known for creating quick and lasting results in business, communication, relationships, sales and leadership at work and home.
Fortune 100 companies, small business, and entrepreneur’s have used Coach Christine’s expertise because her ROI program is unique in the marketplace. She’s innovative and distinct, a professionally-certified coach, and a consultant with a proven track record who also holds her First and Second Degree Reiki.
Christine is an award-winning business woman and a contributor to publications of the Forbes Coaches Council (a sample of that work can be found here.)

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What’s the scariest thing Coach Christine has done?
It’s not being on a platform with notable colleagues or delivering keynotes, nor her travel adventures and off-the-map experiences as you might think. No. Christine’s scariest moments came when she delivered her first Stand-Up Comedy routine. Boldly, she took a course led by an instructor from the Second City crew in Toronto, and braved the crowd for her excruciating 5-minute routine. “Don’t give up your day job.” advised her hubby and Dad… it was an experience that took Christine to her growing edge!
If you feel you can benefit from her knowledge and experience and you, too want more… More results, More Freedom and a Bigger Life, then reach out and explore what’s possible!