Frequently Asked Questions
There are many benefits to hiring a professional coach. The value comes from having a non-judgemental support person who is focused on YOUR success. Christine brings the added benefit of proving herself in field sales and management roles. Her advice is grounded in personal experience and her strategies for success have been proven and tested with Fortune 100 companies. You will likely be taken through some format of the following process:
Identifying specific challenges – The coaching process usually includes identifying individual or workplace challenges. A third party perspective in this case is highly valuable. Your coach can creates an environment of safety, where you or employees feel secure in being honest about the issues being faced, as well as their own personal limitations. Performance coaches also attempt to problem solve at the root cause – identifying triggers that may be invisible to those too close to the situation. In team environments, its not uncommon for changes to be required at many levels. In these circumstances, coaches can moderate change in a way that maintains respect and preserves the integrity of the reporting chains.
Teaching & overcoming gaps – Consulting and coaching involves understanding how and why the challenge or gap exists. Resolution often includes skill building, renegotiations of roles & responsibilities or even a re-prioritization. This phase can be intimidating – especially for those who are cautious and uncertain of change. A coach who has seen this phase before and is confident of benefits and outcomes is integral to leading a team or individual through this stage of development. If additional skills or services, your coach can bring together the missing pieces.

Benefits – The benefits of coaching are far reaching. Commonly clients see improvements of their sales metrics of between 20%-45%. Individuals report feeling more “in control” of their work day, and often a greater balance between their work and home life. Professional coaching can mean the implementation of procedures that save time, money and effort. This increases overall productivity as well as employee satisfaction & retention.
What is Professional Coaching?
- Discover, clarify, and align with what the client wants to achieve
- Encourage client self-discovery
- Elicit client-generated solutions and strategies
- Hold the client responsible and accountable
This process helps clients dramatically improve their outlook on work and life, while improving their leadership skills and unlocking their potential.
What are some typical reasons someone would work with a coach?
- Something urgent, compelling or exciting is at stake (a challenge, stretch goal or opportunity)
- A gap exists in knowledge, skills, confidence or resources
- A desire to accelerate results
- A lack of clarity with choices to be made
- Success has started to become problematic
- Work and life are out of balance, creating unwanted consequences
- Core strengths need to be identified, along with how best to leverage them
How Can the success of coaching be measured?
- Measurement may be thought of in two distinct ways: external indicators of performance and internal indicators of success. Ideally, both are incorporated.
- Examples of external measures include achievement of coaching goals established at the outset of the coaching relationship, increased income/revenue, obtaining a promotion, performance feedback that is obtained from a sample of the individual’s constituents (e.g., direct reports, colleagues, customers, boss, the manager him/herself), personal and/or business performance data (e.g., productivity, efficiency measures). The external measures selected should be things the individual is already measuring and has some ability to directly influence.
- Examples of internal measures include self-scoring/self-validating assessments that can be administered initially and at regular intervals in the coaching process, changes in the individual’s self-awareness and awareness of others, shifts in thinking that create more effective actions, and shifts in one’s emotional state that inspire confidence.
Coaching Clients Who Said Hiring A Coach Was Worth The Money

Respondent’s who could select as many choices as were applicable, said they work with their coach on:
- Time Management 80%
- Career 74%
- Business 73%
- Relationships/Family 58%
- Personal 45%
- Goal Setting 39%
- Financial 38%
Let’s explore your potential and go beyond what is today to who you can be tomorrow.
Breakthrough Session
Start here – Risk Free
45 minutes – $145 (plus HST)
100% satisfaction guaranteed or your fee cheerfully refunded.
We’ll work together for 45 minutes working on the one topic of your choice and you will have the breakthrough you desire. At the end of our 45 minutes we’ll talk about future coaching options and if you wish to continue working together, your Breakthrough Session fee will be applied as a credit towards your new coaching package fee.