IF you can dream it,
YOU can BE it.

That’s my mantra.

I live a big, bold, and beautiful life and I help my clients to as well!

I’m Coach Christine.
Nice to meet you!


Hi!… and a warm welcome. I’m Coach Christine… curious to know why I do what I do?

Up-sized, down-sized, right-sized… you name it; the world has delivered new ways to shake me, break me, and re-build me.

I’m a passionate, warm, soft woman filled with empathy.  I’m a mother, newly remarried, first-time grandma (squeal!), cat lover and professionally-trained healer, coach, and consultant.

I’m a high-spirited, no-nonsense, get-it-done, successful business woman with a strong sense of my own personal power.  I’ve been described as having class, elegance, and style, and with a bit of sass, too!  An award-winning, high-achieving woman, I strive to be the best for me, and in turn, my clients.

Have you hit the wall?  Been steam-rolled?  Fired or pressured to quit?  Been so disappointed because your heart’s in the right place and you got trampled? Me, too, but…

I realize now that each catastrophe at home and at work has been a journey of learning, practicing, falling, failing, rebuilding, and celebrating… and that I have  become the leader of my big, bold, beautiful life!

  • I do what I do to serve others.
  • I do what I do because I’m good at it, and I get results.
  • I do what I do because my knowledge and experience has tremendous impact on my clients.
  • I do what I do because  I am a teacher, guide and mentor,  and I cannot NOT help others.
  • I do what I do because I believe in people and it’s simply incredible when my clients realize potential they didn’t even know they had!
  • I help people Dream it and BE it!

Expanding my horizons I’m earning certification in Mental Fitness with Shirzad Chamine and the Positive Intelligence program and recently was awarded my certification with the Global Team Coaching Institute and EMCC the European designation. 

Keep reading below to find out some things about me I bet you didn’t know!


Shoes, soul, and my feet on the ground.


Shoes, Glorious Shoes!

For over a decade finding unique shoes that sizzle has been a hobby (okay, a passion) of mine, and as an avid traveller, I snap photos of my travelling toes, too! You’ll find pics of my toes on the Nile, celebrating the vistas at Macchu Piccu, and yes, odd spots like airport terminals, zoos, and local town cafes too.

BUT… there is much more to the shoes, really, than the just the shoes; it’s about my feet ON the ground. You’ll find me barefoot at home with my toes in the grass as I love the feel of the coolness and texture on my soles as much as I enjoy wearing a great pair of heels!

How my shoes and soul come together.

Perhaps it is because I’m grounded in the Aboriginal way of life, having studied for over 20 years with my Métis Elders and practicing and extending my craft with Reiki principles.

This knowledge, experience, and these gifts flow as an undercurrent in my practice. Sound a bit strange? Perhaps. But think of it like your computer’s operating system; its there, in the background, and running without your awareness. I follow my gut-instinct, my intuition, and my client’s results are extraordinary as I work with you, the whole person, from the inside-out.

The result.

I am a change-maker. I help you take tiny baby steps, in your shoes, to live the big, bold, and beautiful life you want… and deserve.

I’m a mutt.


Yes, another hobby of mine is reading and studying world religions and I dabble and have taken the best from many traditions and consider myself a spiritual mutt. I have chosen to live my life based on Aboriginal principles and teachings of my Métis Elders. Truly I have found no other way that speaks so deeply and eloquently to the purity of life – all life – by all and for all, in harmony, in oneness.


 Moonstar Lodge.


For over 20 years it has been an honour and privilege to have worked and studied with Reverend Kathryn Gorman-Lovelady and Brian Lovelady, Métis Native Elders of Moonstar Lodge. Kathryn is an Interfaith Minister, artist, weaver, intuitive and an incredible 2-legged being!  Brian too is a gifted healer, teacher, mentor and artist and their courses are taught with integrity, decades upon decades of Shamanic knowledge and insights in the purest traditional Aboriginal contexts.

I am proud to be their student of an honourable way of life and to be gifted with their compassion, kindness and friendship.

You can visit their website by clicking here and you can peruse their many artistic creations here.



A Bit About Turtle.


Turtle is found in many different cultures and while Turtle in not my totem, for me personally it’s very important and throughout my pages you’ll see an image of a turtle. Turtle was first gifted to me by a Buddhist monk I spent time with and most recently was an image on my beautiful hand quilted wedding blanket created by Reverend Kathryn Gorman-Lovelady.

If you’re curious to learn more about Turtle, here is an interesting site about Spirit Animals.


Affiliations, Awards & Memberships

(clicking on each logo will give you more information about me and what I do!)

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