Private Coaching

Leadership and Personal Coaching 

Dream it ~ Be it!

~ That’s my mantra and I live a big, bold and beautiful life and help my client’s to as well!

More results, more life, more freedom let’s explore what’s possible!

Christine coaches using evidence based solutions like appreciative inquiry, positvie mental fitness, with ROI (Return on Investment) top-of-mind. Many companies who leverage coaching produce significant results transforming people, culture, improving skills and competencies while impacting the bottom line.


Her time with clients generates powerful results in personal and business development, communication, sales and sales leadership and she enjoys working with individuals, groups and teams.


Gentle in her approach, she’s also dynamic, passionate and rigorous and Christine motivates clients to implement change using bold and powerful concepts like emotional intelligence and neuro-science.


Inspiring the leader within, Christine teaches her clients the art of listening and communication so they are speaking and acting with clarity and confidence, becoming a positive centre of influence whom others will follow.


She completed the Positive Intelligence (PQ) program, is certified for leading teams and team development, Return on Investment (coaching industry), is an ICF accredited coach, practicing for 6+ years. In addition, she’s studied in the Conscious Business program with the global non-profit, Humanity’s Team, featuring noted instructors like Ken Wilber, Hank Queen (Boeing) and Lance Secretan (Manpower Ltd.) who shared their wealth of knowledge. Inspired by these teachings, Christine applies these principles and strategies in her work with clients.


Standing out from the crowd:

In her practice, Christine has a unique way of helping people grow in an exciting and comfortable way, challenging them to reach their untapped potential. She’s a proven people and business builder, with over 20 years corporate experience working with Fortune 100 firms and hundreds of professionals, financial advisors and entrepreneurs.


Boldly seeking new strategies and tools to benefit her clients, Christine completed studies with the pioneer of ROI coaching, Lisa Ann Edwards. The results: clients have seen over 200% return on investment.


Christine works with her clients from the “inside-out” [personal coaching] and leverages her extensive business toolkit creating quick and long-lasting results impacting the bottom line. She walks her talk, is a high-spirited, no-nonsense, get-it-done successful business woman with a strong sense of her personal power.

The bottom line: Her clients become more resilient, more confident and are stronger communicators, have more focus and richer and more rewarding relationships both at work and home.


Honoured to receive the 50-over-50 Canadian business award and the Fab Female Entrepreneurette Award for Business and Finance in the Toronto and Durham regions, she believes in people-first and is an avid volunteer as business mentor and personal coach with the Business Advisory Centre of Durham, Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade, The Humanitarian Coaches Network, supporting UN staff in Africa, Israel and other countries and is a founding member of the Action For Happiness Project a program endorsed by the Dalai Lama.


Coach Christine is a change maker for business and lives. She is a professionally certified coach, is accredited with the International Coaching Federation, is certified with the Coaches Training Institute, holds her First and Second Degree Reiki and has studied Aboriginal healing for over 20 years.


What’s the scariest thing Christine’s done?

It’s not being on a platform with notable colleagues, or delivering keynotes, nor her travel adventures and off-the-map experiences as you might think. No, Christine’s scariest moments came when she delivered her first Stand-Up Comedy routine. Boldly, she took a course led by an instructor from the Second City crew in Toronto and braved the crowd for her excruciating 5 minute routine. “Don’t give up your day job.” advised her hubby and Dad … It was an experience that took Christine to her growing edge!


She’s explored China and its mysteries and she enjoys stretching herself as an adventurer having visited Peru, sand-boarding dunes and boating on the Amazon; in Egypt, climbing Mount Sinai, SCUBA diving in St. Martin, Sizzling in New York City, zip-lining in Costa Rica and at home – savouring arts and culture.


She’s also a collector of sizzling lady’s shoes – be sure to ask her what she’s sporting when you chat!


And MOST exciting of all …  she’s now a second-time Grandma – a joy so precious and profound it’s challenging for her to put into words!


If you feel you can benefit from her knowledge and experience and too want more … More results, more life, more freedom, then have a chat and explore what’s possible!


She’d enjoy hearing your story and can be reached by email or a phone call and thanks you for stopping by …

Popular coaching topics

be-ing real

Understanding beliefs, perspective and patterns in relationships

Secrets of the Mindset

Learn how about perspectives, yours and others

groan - why don't they hear and understand me?

Explore the power of silence, listening with purpose and how sometimes more is less.

N.O. - your new power tool

Imagine learning saying ‘YES’ to you with confidence and pride

Learning to l.e.a.d

Listen (to who – you or others?), Empower yourself to be your true Authentic you and live the Dynamic life you desire

career growth and management
Do it, dump it or delegate it. Get focus, assess, prioritize, and move into productive action.
stress management
time and resource management

Do it, dump it or delegate it.  Get focus, assess, prioritize, and move into productive action.


Percentage of people who say hiring a Coach is worth every dollar spent!

Untapped ROI & Golfing for business
Top 10 tips for creating most wanted ROI on the golf course.
networking now
Proven strategies and action plans for building more business.
communicating with impact
Complex communication skills easily learned.  Apply interpersonal skills in today’s workplace with leaders, colleagues, suppliers, and clients.
tame your terror
Beyond the Powerpoint – presentation skills for top professionals.

Learn how to strike balance and manage priorities at work and home.  Topics in this presentation include managing stress

Hire Coach Christine to learn how your business can achieve more results, faster, and with less stress. Success is just a click away.

Contact Me

I invite you to get in touch today and let's see how I can help you get MORE sales in your business.

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